Of course, there are slightly less technical options you can tweak too, and if you have no interest in the nitty gritty, ZD Soft Screen Recorder will make the decisions for you. ZD Soft Screen Recorder also has pretty comprehensive audio and video settings, which should keep even advanced users happy.

Remember that ZD Soft Screen Recorder is a pretty intuitive app, so if you're recording from VLC, for example, it will automatically focus on the VLC window. You'll also be able to control the recording using F8, and by using the minimized controls in the taskbar. ZD Soft Screen Recorder explains it each step of the way. The actual recording process is very simple. In many cases, you would actually need separate software to carry out these processes, but not with ZD Soft Screen Recorder! Here you'll see the options to create a screencast, capture a video, record gameplay and even share your screen. Each ZD Soft Screen Recorder operation is accompanied by a Capture Wizard, which makes the process supremely simple (you don't have to use it if you're feeling independent, though!).