Wargaming test server download
Wargaming test server download

wargaming test server download

It’s really unbalanced, but in that case you don’t stay, you try to get the enemy out of their position and into a position where you’re in favor. If a enemy is in a position that makes it “OP” for example the tornvagn, hull-down in close quarters, then yeah. And with 48k games on your record, you should have more than enough experience to know about good map positions etc. Unless of course you’re only playing up to tier 6 and you’re simply clubbing new players. And since you mentioned you have 56% winrate you seem to be a good or even better player. But there’s always a chance to still get the win and perform well even as a low tier. Playing against 2 tiers higher really isn’t fair and depending on your and the enemy tanks may seem lost already when loading in. I really don’t get why you’re crying so much about all the changes etc. The only thing I know for sure is that WG will let me down, as they just did on the Xmas advent calendar/ops (and in spite of their “ooops we screwed and fixed the Xmas decorations event). More OP tanks that will require being shot at with premium rounds on barillets to make sure you use as many as possible (oh, and I forgot, should you play in platoons forget your hopes to be too+2/+1, that is not meant to happen, top tiers +2 is a 5% chances, top tiers +1 is a15% chances, unique tiers amounts for 30% and everything else is bottom -1 & -2). So about the next update… Got no more hopes, they have been to fast in the greed and power creep side to care for players any longer. They pad their fat bellies about being the best, but being the best when you are the only one is pathetic (and no, war thunder can’t even really compare). So many things to be fixed that won’t fit the sake of greed and because of the lack of competition.

wargaming test server download

Any games with tiers VIII and above will field between 6 to 8 of such tanks (lights, Meds, TDs, heavies…). Non sensical auto loading, reloading, barillets, multi barrels tanks wasting the purpose of cl***ic tanks. Un necessary nerfing of the HE with the sole purpose of buffing powerful hull down capable tanks made arty, derp heavies and TDs almost redundants. +2/-2 MM that should have been trashed 5 years ago still creating unbalance games in their hundreds. This 5 years in a row that WG consistently let’s down its players down with m***ive préjudice.

wargaming test server download

9 years of gaming, 48k games all tiers (yes that means there is fun to have between tiers I to X), 56% win, play for fun, not try hard 3 marks and other non sense.

Wargaming test server download